What Question Did Aristotle Ask Easy Answer

Questions tagged [aristotle]

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, famous for his prolific writings on a vast array of subjects, including logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, politics, and even the natural sciences. He is widely considered a "founding figure" in Western philosophy.

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What is the fundamental difference of these two Aristotle books given their confusion non-modern titles?

According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_philosophy Aristotelian "physics" is different from what we mean today by this word, not only to the extent that it belongs to antiquity ...

nsc9's user avatar

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Aristotle quote on slaves believing they are slaves?

Years ago I read a quote attributed to Aristotle: The remarkable thing about slavery is that slaves believe they are slaves. What was the actual quote?

Thomas David Kehoe's user avatar

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Can a final cause also be an efficient cause?

Aristotle distinguishes between four causes: material, efficient, formal and final. However, his use of 'cause' is different than our use. Our use of 'cause' is just the efficient cause, thing A ...

yters's user avatar

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Does modern physics contradict Aristotelean substances?

In Aristotle's philosophy, physical objects have a substance and accidents. A substance is what the object "really is" and the accidents are things that can change without changing the ...

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How do essentialists deal with fuzzy essential properties?

I've been reading a collection of essays on neo-Aristotelianism where they endorse the concept of essential properties. An essential property is an ontological concept, not a conceptual concept. The ...

David Gudeman's user avatar

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Ancient Greek definition of Arete/excellence

I've been trying to find encyclopedia entries about this but it feels like they somewhat ambiguous or don't do the word justice. I was wondering whether Arete refers only to moral/philosophical ...

Jim stoke's user avatar

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What does Plato think about blindness and knowledge?

Does Plato though similar to that of Aristotle about blindness? Does he think blindness and memory and knowledge are linked? What kind of knowledge? If not, why? How blindness is used in Plato's work ...

Micheal's user avatar

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What does Aristotle think about the relation between blindness, knowledge and memory?

I'm trying to understand Aristotle's views on blindness, as given in these passages: "just as the blind remember better, being released from having their faculty of memory engaged with objects ...

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How to understand Prime matter?

In the Aristotle-Aquinas tradition prime matter is the thing that underlies all other things in the world. It is described as completely indeterminate-pure potentiality, it was not created and cannot ...

ArAj's user avatar

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According to e.g. Tolstoy, is happiness solely down to us?

Aristotle's reply is that one's virtuous activity will be to some extent diminished or defective, if one lacks an adequate supply of other goods (1153b17–19). Someone who is friendless, childless, ...

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Is it possible to do the right thing in the "wrong way"?

Definitions. Let the initial "objects" of moral judgment be moral problems. I don't want to say practical problems insofar as instrumental reasoning can be seen as solving practical problems ...

Kristian Berry's user avatar

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Aristotle Categories Chapter 2

What exactly is meant by predication and "in a subject"? I have watched 2 lectures and from what I gathered, predication is "what is being said of a subject" and in a subject is &...

Paul's user avatar

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How does the cited passage of Aristotle imply that what exists sempiternally cannot age?

This article from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy indicates Aristotle's position as "what exists sempiternally cannot age. (Physics 221b30)" The Hussey translation of the cited ...

bblohowiak's user avatar

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Why can't Aristotelian logic account for deductions which rely on propositional logic, or express relationships between two or more objects?

This is a summary from absurdbeing.com: Unfortunately, as mentioned, Aristotle's system of logic (based entirely on the deductive syllogism) was incomplete in at least three ways: first, it didn't ...

Prince Deepthinker's user avatar

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What does MacIntyre mean by Aristotle's "metaphysical biology"?

In After Virtue, Alisdair MacIntyre often refers to Aristotle's "metaphysical biology" with disapproval. What exactly does he mean by this? I assume it is more specific than Aristotle's ...

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Source: https://philosophy.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/aristotle

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